Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Publish Search in Site Builder site

NetSuite customer support assisted me on this and showed me how to get it to work. The steps are:
1.Check "Display in Web Store" on item records
2.Change the layout of the Published Saved search to "Standard Dense List Layout"
3.If needed customize the layout: Setup > Site Builder > Layouts

Thanks to NetSuite for the assistance here!​​ :)

Monday, 19 September 2016

Restricting item to Purchase only

The scenario was basically where some of the Inventory Item were needed to be restricted to the Purchase Order only and should not appear on the Sales Order.​

To solve this problem you can add an item filter on a custom sales order form. You need to create a saved search first and then add the search as an item filter.

Please follow the steps below:
A. Create a saved item search
1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Item
2. Under Criteria subtab, add the required filters.
3. Under Results subtab, add or remove fields depending on your preference.
4. Enter a Search Title.
5. Hit Save.

B. Add the item filter on custom sales order form
1. Open the sales order form to be customized.
2. Navigate to Screen fields > Columns.
3. Under Item Filter dropdown, select the item saved search you want to determine which items are shown in the Items dropdown on this transaction form.
4. Hit Save.

You can also consider using Non-Inventory for Purchase if you don't really intend to sell them.

If you are creating new inventory items, under the Accounting tab, just leave the Income Account blank to prevent the items from showing up on sales transactions.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Common Netsuite Interview Questions

What is a Lead and how they are captured in Netsuite ?

In Accounting a Lead is nothing but an identification of a person or entity that has the interest and authority to purchase a product or service. In Netsuite "Lead" is a standard record object which has several predefined fields to capture the Lead information. 

What is Lead Generation Process ?

Lead Generation is the initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into products or services of a business.

How Leads are converted in Netsuite ?
What is the Lead conversion process in Netsuite ?

There are two ways a lead can be converted to a prospect or customer in NetSuite:

If an opportunity, estimate, or sales transaction is entered for the lead, it is automatically converted according to the default statuses you have set up at Setup – Sales – Preferences – Sales Preferences.

If you use the Lead Conversion feature, you can click the Convert button on the lead record. Converting a lead in this way gives you additional options on which records are created or updated. This is commonly used flow by business-to-consumer, or B2C, sales organizations.

How does Procure to pay Process works in Netsuite ?

Netsuite Procure to Pay Process involves the following steps :

Purchase Order Entry => Purchase Order Approval => Receiving => Matching => Bill Approval

What is Lead to Cash Process in Netsuite ?

Lead => Opportunity => Quote => Order => Fulfill => Invoice => Billing

What is Purchase Order Cycle in Netsuite ?

PR/PO => Recieving => Update Inventory => Enter Bills => Bills Payment => Accounting Posting

What is Suitescript ?

SuiteScript is a JavaScript-based API that gives developers the ability to extend NetSuite beyond the capabilities provided through SuiteBuilder point-and-click customization.
How do I run a script in NetSuite?
The overall process for getting a script to run in NetSuite is fairly basic. This process includes:
  1.    Creating a JavaScript file for your script.
  2.    Uploading the file into NetSuite.
  3.    Creating a NetSuite “Script” record for your script.
  4.     Defining script runtime options on a NetSuite Script Deployment page.

What are the different types of Scripts in Netsuite and How they are used ?

·         User Event Scripts: User Event scripts are triggered when users work with records and data changes in NetSuite as they create, open, update, or save records. User Event scripts are useful for customizing the workflow and association between your NetSuite entry forms. These scripts can also be used for doing additional processing before records are entered or for validating entries based on other data in the system.
·         Suitelets: Suitelets enable the creation of dynamic web content. Suitelets can be used to implement custom front and backends. Through API support for scripting forms and lists, these Suitelets can also be used to build NetSuite-looking pages. NetSuite tasklinks can be created to launch a Suitelet. These tasklinks can be used to customize existing centers.
·         RESTlets: RESTlets are server-side scripts that can be used to define custom, RESTful integrations to NetSuite. RESTlets follow the principles of the REST architectural style and use HTTP verbs, HTTP headers, HTTP status codes, URLs, and standard data formats. They operate in a request-response model, and an HTTP request to a system-generated URL invokes each RESTlet.
·         Scheduled Scripts: Scheduled scripts are executed on-demand in real-time or via a user-configurable schedule. Scheduled scripts are useful for batch processing of records.
·         Client Scripts: Client scripts are executed on the client. These scripts can be attached to and run on individual forms, or they can be deployed globally and executed on entity and transaction record types. Global client scripts enable centralized management of scripts that can be applied to an entire record type.
·         Portlet Scripts: Portlet scripts are used to create custom dashboard portlets. For example, you can use SuiteScript to create a portlet that is populated on-the-fly with company messages based on data within the system.
·         Mass Update Scripts: Mass update scripts allows you to programmatically perform custom mass updates to update fields that are not available through general mass updates. You can also use action scripts to run complex calculations, as defined in your script, across many records.
·         Workflow Action Scripts: Workflow action scripts allow you to create custom actions that are defined on a record in a workflow.
·         Bundle Installation Scripts: Bundle installation scripts fire triggers that execute as part of bundle installation, update, or uninstall. Trigger execution can occur either before install, after install, before update, after update, or before uninstall. These triggers automatically complete required setup, configuration, and data management tasks for the bundle.

Common Netsuite Interview Questions II

Set Up Third Party SMTP Server on NetSuite

From version 2014 release 2 onwards, the feature to setup third party SMTP becomes available in NetSuite. This enables the user to set up a third party SMTP servers for sending bulk corporate email. It will enable the use of the user’s infrastructure to maintain and control the over all aspects of their outgoing bulk email communication.

1. Navigate to Setup > Company > SMTP Servers
2. Click New SMTP Server
3. Fill up all the required fields:
  • Display Name – enter a descriptive name that will identify the server
    Hostname – enter the exact SMTP domain address e.g. bulk.smtp.netsuite.com
    Encryption – Select which encryption method to use to communicate between NetSuite and the mail server
    SSL : This is used to provide a way to encrypt a communication channel between two computers (e.g. user's computer and NetSuite server).
    STARTTLS : is a way to take an existing insecure connection and upgrade it to a secure connection using SSL
    Username – enter your email address
    Password – enter password for your email address
    Validation Token for Bulk eMail – enter the generated value that will be sent to provider’s postmaster
    4. Click Save.

    In order to use the new SMTP server user must set it as the preferred SMTP Server. Go back to email preferences and select the new server.
    1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Email Preferences > SMTP Server Settings
2. On the dropdown, select the newly created SMTP Server
3. Click Save​

Display ‘Open Customer Deposits’ on Sales Orders

By default, information about 'Open Customer Deposits' is not available on Sales Orders on fields or sublists. Users can create a saved search and make it available as a sub list to the said form.
To create a saved search for Open Customer Deposits, please follow these steps:
1.  Login as Administrator.
2.  Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Search > New.
3.  Select Transaction.
4.  Enter your desired search title (e.g. Open Customer Deposit).
5. Mark the Public checkbox.
6.  Under Criteria > Standard sub tab:
Type = is Customer Deposit
Main Line = is true
Status = is any of Customer Deposit:Deposited, Customer Deposit: Not Deposited
7.  Under the Results tab, Add or Remove field/s that you want to show.
8.  Under Available Filters:
Filter = Name
Show in Footer = Yes
9.  Click Save.
To display it on a sublist:
1.  Navigate to Customization > Forms > Sublists.
2.  Under Transactions, select the Name or Title of the search that you created.
3.  Enter your desired Label name (e.g. Open Customer Deposit).
4.  Under the Tab column, select the specific tab from the transaction where you want to display it (e.g. Accounting).
5.  Put a checkmark for the Sale column.
6. Under Field, select a field that is common between the Sales Order and the Customer Deposit (i.e. Customer).

7.  Click Save.​

Sales Order Report with Columns Based on Due Dates from Alternate Date Ranges

To create a Sales report which displays the total amount and columns to display due dates during alternate date ranges, a user can create the following Saved search:

1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New

2. Click on Transaction link

3. Under Criteria tab > Standard subtab
     Type = Invoice
     Main Line = True
     Due Date = Not Before Today

4. Under the Results tab > Columns subtab

Custom Label
Amount (Transaction Total)
Formula (Numeric)
CASE WHEN {duedate}-{today} BETWEEN 0.01 AND 3 AND (to_char({duedate}, 'MM'))-(to_char({today}, 'MM')) = 0 then {duedate} ELSE null END
This Month - Upto 3 Days from Today
Formula (Numeric)
CASE WHEN {duedate}-{today} BETWEEN 4 AND 7 AND (to_char({duedate}, 'MM'))-(to_char({today}, 'MM')) = 0 then {duedate} ELSE null END
This Month - Days 4 -7 from Today
Formula (Numeric)
CASE WHEN {duedate}-{today} > 8 AND (to_char({duedate}, 'MM'))-(to_char({today}, 'MM')) = 0 AND (to_char({duedate}, 'YYYY'))-(to_char({today}, 'YYYY')) = 0 then {duedate}   ELSE null END
This Month - Over 8 Days from Today
Formula (Numeric)
CASE WHEN (to_char({duedate}, 'MM'))-(to_char({today}, 'MM')) = 1 AND (to_char({duedate}, 'YYYY'))-(to_char({today}, 'YYYY')) = 0 then {duedate} else null END
Next Month
Formula (Numeric)
CASE WHEN (to_char({duedate}, 'MM'))-(to_char({today}, 'MM')) <> 0 then {duedate} else null END
2 Months and Onwards

5. Under the Available Filters tab:
    Filter = Status > Show in Filter Region = Yes

6. Rename the Search Title

7. Hit Save & Run​